Thursday, June 25, 2009


Buah yang bulat ini bukan cuma kaya mineral tetapi juga mengandung banyak vitamin yang menyehatkan. Daging buah semangka rendah kalori & mengandung 93,4% air. Dalam semangka terdapat kandungan likopen & vitamin A, B juga C yang semuanya berfungsi sebagai antioksidan. Semangka sangat baik untuk yang mengalami gangguan buang air kecil terutama pada balita. Semangka juga bisa menurunkan demam & mencegah terjadinya sariawan. Untuk mendapatkan manfaat semangka, jangan lupa makan bagian hijau atau putihnya juga.
Banyak makan semangka dapat menurunkan resiko penyakit kanker.

1 comment:

  1. I’d recommend using Dr. Utu Herbal Cure topically for instant pain and itch relief as well as accelerated healing of lesions and permanently stopping herpes virus outbreaks. I have tried just about everything from acyclovir suppressive therapy to different natural oils, extracts, and other natural methods, some of which are EXTREMELY painful and exacerbate the problem (i.e. apple cider vinegar!). While vitamin E oil and suppressive therapies worked well for me, when I became pregnant I went back to trying to find a herbal cure. I was using vitamin E oil topically for a while but it was thin and difficult to use and only seemed to prevent further outbreaks rather than getting rid of it. I contacted Dr. Utu Herbal Cure through my friend. To my surprise, I could tell my outbreak was starting to heal within only a few hours! No more itching and pain! Dr. Utu Herbal Cure that I used was liquid herbs in bottles, so it was very easy to use. It simply whiffs, but it works so I don’t care! The best part of my testimony was that I successfully delivered a herpes-free beautiful daughter without further medications. Anyone who has tried Dr. Utu Herbal Cure knows simply how quickly those treatments can add up.
    You can reach Dr. Utu through
